Sunday, June 14, 2015

30 days shred by Jillian Michaels (Review) - My experience

I had delivered my toddler about two years ago.  Any lady with an experience of pregnancy knows exactly what I am talking about when it comes to belly. And no matter if you are fat like ball or thin like needle, you will get a flabby belly suicide out of your jeans belt. It is a sad fact that pregnancy gets the muscles so weak . So whatever diet you would try would  never get your muscles back. It may break lots of fat but will never strength your muscles.

About a month ago I decided to get my body back after deliver. I searched a lot and ended up with 30 days shred by Jillian Micheals. It's a workout DVD to get your body shredded in 30 days.
If you ask for a deliver. This is amazing. It really shapes your body. I saw many pictures out there for people who tried the workout and I wouldn't believe until I tried myself. You will get the results no matter how your body looks like. No matter if you are thin or fat or flabby in arms, thighs, back or belly, you will get the satisfactory results.

What it does contain:

The DVD contains three levels of workout. Each level should be repeated for ten days. Each level of the workout is 20 - 25 min long . It starts with the warm up then 3 circuits of strength movements with two minutes of cardio in between and stretching at the end. The DVD video is available on amazon for 7$. Not expensive at all.

What you will need:

A mat for movements that need to be done on the floor, workout garments, workout shoes, a good space to work in and couple of dumbbells. Use the weights that you can carry on. If you have any injuries or recently made surgeries don't push on yourself.

When you can start doing it:

This is actually a good question because I have been asked a lot. Absolutely not immediately after you deliver. Not after a recent surgery or an accident. Not when you have a pain in your knees or joints. Choose a time when you feel your body is strong and tough enough and can carry on going to gym.

What the results are:

The results are really amazing. You will lose most of the flabbiness in your belly thighs shoulders and back . You will see your belly has six packs . Your thigh will become strong and full of beautiful muscles. You will also feel your shoulders are getting wider and stronger. You will also notice something surprising that your skin looks healthier and more beautiful.

if you wouldn't lose lots of weight, don't be angry because this workout breaks fats and builds muscles and muscles will weight. But absolutely you will get shredded by the end of day 30. It burns lots of calories. You also will get self confidence about yourself and your body.

When you will recognize Results:

For me I recognized the results after a week. If you don't workout at all like me or If you are a busy mom and going to gym is not an option or working out is the last thing you are thinking of, you will get the results so fast and they will be noticeable. I lost 3 cm of size after 15 days.  I recommend to take measurements of  your stomach, belly, thighs, arms and shoulders before you start to see results after 30 days.

How it feels like:

If you are asking for hell, so here it is. The first couple of days of each level feels like hell. You may not be able to do all the movements at the beginning of each level. Do Not Give Up. It will get easier by time. I was screaming in the first day of level two but it was much easier the second day. Jillian has two girls helping her. One is making simpler movements for beginners and the other makes advanced movements for challengers. I recommend to stay with the beginner. For me I was following the challenger in movements that I can and follow the beginner for movements that I can't carry on. However, following any of them feels like dying. You will wake up the second morning with loads of pain in all of your body and your muscles specially if you don't used to workout like me.

Any advises:

The most important step is the first step. Which is willing to commit the whole DVD workout steps and time. It's only 20 min daily. If you like to take days off that's fine but don't take too many.
If  you feel like you can't take it any more take 5 sec. to rest and breath then continue.

You will feel like you are burning at the beginning. Don't give up. The level is getting easier by time. You may feel some heat in the belly muscles at the beginning. That sounds good. You may feel pain in the muscles also sounds good. Because these mean that muscles are working.  At the beginning of each level you will feel like you turned back to the start point.You will feel like you don't want to complete. But remember how your body will look like. Remember you want going to jeans shopping. These would be some motivations.

Count. Some movements are hard but I found that counting makes them a little bit bearable.

Hydrate. You will need to hydrate a lot during the day but notice not to drink right immediately before you start the daily workout because jumping hurts when water is in the stomach.
Preview the whole level and make sure you are completely aware of how the movements are done before you start a level.

Stay with the beginner, make some modifications on the movements for yourself, carry less weights. Do anything you can to make you keep on but don't give up. By time you will find yourself able to do some movements and you will feel stronger day after another.

Don't feel shame if you always follow the beginner or do some modifications for a movement. You will also get results.

I don't recommend cheating because you would only cheat on yourself. You will regret it at the end when you listen to the good words from Jillian at the end of the level . You would feel that you deserve them if you commit.

Pros and cons:

I like Jillian. She cheers you up each time she feels the workout hurt gets to maximum. She says that she knows that it is not easy and she knows how it hurts, how you are burning, how you are dying and want to scream.

It is tough. As I said it feels like hell. But you sure your will get the results. Such results would not come for free. The most difficult day for me was the second day of level 1. I got a super heat in belly muscles and I already was in pain from the day one. The beginning of level 2 and 3 was also tough but not like the second day of level 1. I was feeling fire.

It is specific and countable. I like these things that are specific and countable. 20 min daily. 30 days. You will get results. I like it.

If you have any questions I would be happy to answer them all. Don't hesitate to leave a comment below. I highly appreciate it.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Who is me

I would like to choose my very first post as an introducer for myself. You may know me. They call me Sweet. I am the blogger of I love to organize, craft and DIY. You may also know that I live in Egypt, married and have one toddler.

 I am a private person a little bit . You may not be able to see a picture of me, but this didn't stop me helping people to have a review about something even it is very teeny tiny before they buy it. As I am a working woman, busy mom and a wife, it's normal to use home goods and popular products such like everyone. I thought about reviewing everything I use because I bought so many things and wish that someone made a review about them before I purchased some of them. So I know how much that helps.

I know there are so many who do the same thing but I really love what I do. I like to review, blog, advice and talk. This is what women do. I also don't review something I haven't tried even if it is sponsored or featured. I only review what I tried or someone very close to me tried and I saw the results myself.   I hope this blog helps you review things that you may be interested in.

You may find me reviewing a lot about home products, nursery products, kids, beauty, healthy, food and even technology products that I use personally. I wish I could try everything and make a review for you about it but I do my best...

Best regards,